Tatiana Vakhnina: "Patent Litigation Specialist Lawyer of the Year", Lawyer Monthly Women

Dr. Tatyana Vakhnina, Senior Partner of "Vakhnina&Partners", is the only Russian Lawyer included in the release of Lawyer Monthly Women in Law Awards 2016. Area of recognition: "Patent Litigation Specialist Lawyer of the Year".
Lawyer Monthly recently announced the publication of the 2016 Women in Law Awards.
The Lawyer Monthly Women in Law Awards celebrate and highlight the achievements of women in the legal profession across the globe, including Intellectual Property area.

As a result of several months of research and preparation, the Lawyer Monthly Women in Law Awards reward female legal experts that have influenced the wider legal profession in their jurisdiction.
The winners include all areas of the legal profession from high achieving junior associates to long serving barristers.
Our Company would like to congratulate Dr. Tatyana Vakhnina with this important recognition of her professionalis, and we also wish to thank all our customers and collagues who voted for Dr. Vakhnina in nomination "Patent Litigation Specialist Lawyer of the Year"!