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Фирма Патентных Поверенных "Вахнина и Партнеры"

Vakhnina and Partners publishes an article on patent developments in Russia

Important developments at the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO)

After several years of negotiations and adjustment of national legislations, the system of registration of Eurasian Industrial Designs in EAPO has been launched in 2021.

After the EAPO Industrial Designs legislation has been introduced, the Eurasian Patent System allows to obtain legal protection for industrial designs in Eurasian countries, namely: Russian Federation, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kyrgyzstan and, since November 30, 2021, Republic of Tajikistan.

The priority right for a Eurasian Industrial Design can be claimed according to the Paris Convention.

In order to file an Industrial Design application within the EAPO the foreign individuals or companies (not residents of EAPO member states), will need to assign a representative – a Eurasian Patent Attorney with the qualification in Industrial designs.

With the introduction of the protection of Eurasian Designs, earlier this year EAPO announced the qualification examinations of candidates for Eurasian Patent Attorneys in the specialization “industrial designs”. To be admitted to the examination, a candidate should have a status of a Patent Attorney in the area of Industrial Designs, qualified and confirmed by one of EAPO member-states. Being admitted to the examination, the candidate has to pass the test of the knowledge of Eurasian Industrial designs matters.

Our colleague, Ms. Bairta Tserenova, Eurasian Patent Attorney of «Vakhnina and Partners», is one of the Eurasian Patent Attorneys who recently received the additional qualification for EAPO Designs.

It is also worth mentioning another useful possibility for Applicants added along with the introduction of Eurasian Designs regulations: since December 1st, 2021, EAPO provides the possibility to use the Digital Access Service to refer to the priority documents of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO DAS). While claiming the priority on a Eurasian Industrial Design application, the service allows providing the WIPO DAS access code to this application within the EAPO instead of providing a certified copy of priority application.

The very first Eurasian Design
On October 25, 2021, EAPO has published a Eurasian Design patent number 000001, owned by the Russian Federation, represented by the State Corporation “ROSCOSMOS” which is in charge of overseeing and implementing a comprehensive reform and further development of the Russian Space industry. This moment marked the beginning of Eurasian Designs, and we expect there are more patents to come. “Vakhnina and Partners” is always glad to advise on all matters of registration and protection of new Eurasian Industrial Designs and answer all questions of the applicants.
About EAPO
Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) is a regional IP organization established on 9 September 1994.
Eurasian Patent system allows obtaining legal protection for inventions and, recently introduced, designs in the countries of the region. Eurasian patents can provide protection on the territory of all participant states.
Applicants typically find it more efficient and reliable to prosecute applications and maintain their patents in force by interacting with the single Patent Office. Prosecution of a patent application in EAPO can be also more cost-efficient as it reduces applicants’ expenses related to the prosecution, including patent attorneys service fees, translation expenses and official fees.
EAPO member states are Russian Federation, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Kyrgyzstan and Republic of Turkmenistan.

The priority right for a Eurasian Industrial Design can be claimed according to the Paris Convention. ification examinations of candidates for Eurasian Patent Attorneys in the specialization “industrial designs”. To be admitted to the examination, a candidate should have a status of a Patent Attorney in the area of Industrial Designs, qualified and confirmed by one of EAPO member-states. Being admitted to the examination, the candidate has to pass the test of the knowledge of Eurasian Industrial designs matteIn February 2022 Dr. Saule Tlevlesova, President of the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO), leaves her post which she held for the last 6 years. During EAPO presidency of Dr. Tlevlesova, a great number of developments of EAPO took place, the number of patent applications filed to EAPO significantly increased, and the EAPO Industrial Designs legislation was introduced to the Eurasian Patent Organization.

Elections of next EAPO President recently were held, and the candidate from the Russian Federation, Dr. Grigory Ivliev, was elected to this post. At the moment he is heading the Russian Patent Office (Rospatent), and he is going to take the EAPO President appointment in February 2022. Dr. Ivliev’s experience and active involvement into implementation of modern mechanisms of prosecution of IP matters significantly improved internal processes at Rospatent. During the period when Dr. Ivliev has been the head of the Patent Office of the Russian Federation, new levels of quality and efficiency of the examination were achieved, and it is believed that his knowledge will also be called for with his joining the Eurasian Patent Office.

About authors

Ms. Bairta Tserenova

Ms. Bairta Tserenova is a Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation and Eurasian Patent Attorney at “Vakhnina and Partners”. Bairta recently passed a new certification of EAPO to be qualified for Eurasian Industrial Designs. She is an active member of a number of Russian and International IP Organizations and professional community of Patent Attorneys in Russia.

Dr. Alexey Vakhnin

Dr. Alexey Vakhnin is a co-Founder of the Firm, Partner and Managing Director of "Vakhnina and Partners". He is a Patent and Trademark Attorney of the Russian Federation, Eurasian Patent Attorney with extensive experience in IP since 1990s.

Having PhD in Medicine (Biochemistry), while working on patent matters, Alexey specializes in Medicine, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmaceuticals.

Dr. Vakhnin is a member of INTA, FICPI, AIPPI, LES Russia/LESI, PTMG, ECTA.

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