Vakhnina & Partners are ranked in WTR 2021 World Trademark Review

We are proud to announce that our company has been included in the respected international rating WTR 2021 World Trademark Review in two categories:
1. The best companies in Russia in the field of office work, registration and trademark protection strategies (the rating includes the 20 best companies from Russia)
2. The best specialists in Russia in the field of office work and trademark protection strategies. (the ranking includes 43 of the best specialists in the field of trademark protection according to the WTR version)
We sincerely thank our Clients, friends and colleagues.
World Trademark Review 1000 is the authoritative international ranking of the most outstanding companies and experts in the field of trademark protection. WTR about Vakhnina and Partners:

Boutique Vakhnina & Partners serves as a one-stop shop for global brand owners seeking a central hub through which to file trademarks in Russia and neighbouring jurisdictions. Particularly attractive to clients is its unique trademark search system, which allows rights holders to search trademarks and monitor their trademarks in Russia. With almost four decades in the game, founding partner Tatiana Vakhnina was among the first to register as a Russian patent and trademark attorney, and is the only trademark attorney in the country to have been acknowledged as an honorary advocate of Russia in the area of intellectual property. She consistently delivers on critical strategic briefs; as one example, she recently assisted a famous brand with its expansion into the Russian market. On this, she worked jointly with managing partner Alexey Vakhnin, a versatile IP pro who undertakes a broad range of prosecution, enforcement and transactional mandates. Dr. Vakhnin is vice president of the Chamber of Trademark and Patent Attorneys of the Russian Federation.