Vakhnina & Partners is included in the list of the best companies according to The Trademark Lawyer

Vakhnina & Partners has been included within the Top 10 Trademark firms in The Trademark Lawyer Magazine Law Firm Rankings 2021/22 for “Most Well-Respected Law Firm 2021”.
Over the past 9 months, The Trademark Lawyer Magazine editorial team & associates have been carrying out extensive research to identify the leading Trademark Law firms and IP Practices across UK & EUROPE jurisdictions.

When identifying the Top 10 Trademark Firms and IP Practices in Russia, factors such as expertise, positive peer reviews, market profile, ranking position in other industry rankings and feedback from our readers, clients and connections around the world.
The Trademark Lawyer Magazine is a well-established and recognisable brand within the global IP community. The Trademark Lawyer is a key media partner for INTA, IPO, ECTA, MARQUES, AIPPI, AIPLA, ASIPI + many other IP associations and conference providers meaning that we have a vast readership of high-level corporate counsel and trademark attorneys.
Top Trademark Firms – Russia, alphabetically

A Zalesov & Partners Patent & Law Firm
Baker McKenzie
Gorodissky & Partners
Gowling WLG
Liapunov & Co
Vakhnina & Partners
All firms are displayed and will be published alphabetically. We are sincerely grateful to our clients and colleagues who voted for us! Only thanks to you and your support, our company is included in the list of the 10 best companies in Russia in the "Trademarks" section.
Thank you!
