Алексей Вахнин повторно вошел в состав комитета INTA по географическим обозначениям
Алексей Вахнин повторно вошел в состав комитета INTA по географическим обозначениям.

Alexey Vakhnin was appointed and joined INTA Geographical Indications Committee for the next term
Dr. Alexey Vakhnin was appointed and joined INTA committee on Geographical Indications (GI) again

Татьяна Алексеевна Вахнина включена в рейтинг WWL за 2021 год
Татьяна Алексеевна Вахнина включена в рейтинг WWL за 2021 год

WWL marked Tatiana Vakhnina as one of the leading experts of Intellectual Property protection
WWL marked Tatiana Vakhnina as one of the leading experts of Intellectual Property protection